(1) Higher Commands Mission: TBD
(2) Higher Commands Intent: To recover quickly and effectively in all regions affected by Hurricane Laura and Hurricane Delta.
(1) PHASE 1: (This phase starts immediately upon receipt of this WARNO and ends when Aerial personnel and attachments have reached the Area of Operations (AO)) Planning and pre-deployment preparation begins. Aerial personnel will stage response equipment and personnel 24 hours prior to deployment. Aerial Volunteer Corps members selected to respond will link up with Aerial main body prior to initial movement from Aerial’s Nashville staging area. Those who will link up by air will make coordinations with the Aerial logistical team. Main body and attachments will move from staging area to the designated AO within the Lake Charles region (GOPHR HQ).
(2) PHASE 2: (This phase starts upon arrival to the AO and ends with the departure from the AO) Aerial conducts a link up with local officials and contacts on the ground and begins set up of operations center. Aerial establishes bed down location and operations center and begins relief operations. Relief operations and coordinations are conducted for a yet to be determined time period and then passed off to the follow-on unit. Aerial breaks down operations center, prepares for movement back to staging area and volunteers begin movement back to home bases.
(3) PHASE 3: (This phase starts upon departure from the AO and ends with all personnel safely returning to home bases) Aerial departs AO along a predesignated route to Nashville staging area. Volunteers are returned home and equipment is cleaned and properly stored for potential follow-on operations.
Volunteer Corps: Finish all necessary preparations for deployment to include Aerial Recovery Group online basic training (3hrs). Prepare go- bag and all necessary equipment (see Aerial volunteer SOPs).
(1) Uniform: refer to SOP
(2) Timeline:
PHASE 1- (L=leadership team V=volunteer corps A=all)
TUE 13 OCT 2020:
-Mission Planning begins L
-OD-R Team and Volunteer Corps receives WARNO A
-Alliance members contacted L
-Area of Operations selected L
WED 14 OCT 2020:
-Day 2 planning A
-Equipment Prep begins A
-Chain for communications established via WhatsApp L
-Volunteers Corp mission team selected L
THURS 15 OCT 2020:
-WARNO-001 CHANGE 1 published A
-Day 3 planning session L
-Bed down location confirmed L
-Alliance member contributions finalized L
MON 19 OCT 2020:
-Volunteer Corp mission team selected
THURS 22 OCT 2020:
-Telephonic meeting with members in the AO conducted (Time TBD) L
-Final planning session (Zoom) L
-OPORD and all applicable orders published (NLT 1700 Central Time) L
-Infil/exfil plan finalized L
FRI 23 OCT 2020:
-All OD-R members and 1 Aerial production team member arrives IVO Nashville staging area L
-All equipment deficiencies corrected and equipment staged and loaded L
-Convoy briefing for next day’s movement conducted A
-Rest plan initiated A
FRI 23 OCT 2020:
-Movement to AO begins (NLT 08:00 a.m. Central Time) A
FRI-MON 23-26 OCT 2020:
-Deployment A
MON 26 OCT 2020:
-Movement back to Nashville staging area A
(1) Tire Repair Kit (X 100)
(2) Water (as much as possible)
(3) Fuel (as much as possible)
(4) Food Provisions
(5) Debris Clearance Kit
(1) Method of travel= Air/Ground: Volunteers and OD-R to fly Commercial air or drive to deployment locations via personally owned vehicles. Recommended airports to be determined.
(1) P.A.C.E. Plan:
Primary- Cell phone
Alternate- Two way radio
Contingency- Radacat
Emergency- Sat Phone (OD-R team leads carry)
50% Complete
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