Ukraine Orphan Rescue Mission Day 4 | SITREP

sitrep ukraine Mar 03, 2022

Poland-Ukraine - DAILY SITREP 3/03/2022 (LAST 24 HRS)



03 March 2022 LAST 24



  • Established TEAM HOUSE “COLORADO”, host was very hospitable and was great about providing local knowledge.
  • Morning was spent coordinating efforts with NGO groups in the region that are running supply routes.   
  • 1200: coordinated with a driver to take us around the City to identify refugee safe houses and perform route reconnaissance.     
  • 1330: communicated with bus drivers the importance of the fully stocking and preparing safe havens for current and future rescued orphans. 
  • 1415: Interpreter brought two drivers with two cars to assist in further reconnaissance and defensive position checks around the City. 
  • Our first stop was at a large church that had class rooms available while school was canceled for boarding of orphans.  Church had a kitchen and bedding to help.  
  • While touring Church we received a call to aid in the transport and safeguarding of 27 orphan children with 1x caretaker and help find lodging.  With a swift response and utilizing previously prepared locations we were able to offer assistance.  After much discussion the caretakers and drivers continued to the Poland Border only to return later for assistance.    
  • Reports of border crossings are now taking several hours longer than the lines to cross a few days ago. Check points are also lengthier in time.   
  • Coordinated with incoming team members transportation from Poland to Ukraine in anticipation of their arrival.  Team members will be escorted by local Ukrainian drivers with medical aid and food.   
  • Conducted a call with GEM leadership to assist in aide retrieval that will take place the morning of the 5th.  A charter bus has been secured to bring back large quantities of much needed supplies provided by Global Empowerment Mission. 
  • PROEM Ministries is also assisting in passenger transportation and aide procurement on the 5th.  
  • Arrival at Team House Colorado was at 1030.  Home has been secured and a security assessment completed this morning.  Two security checkpoints are in close proximity to the house.  
  • Collaborative efforts with GEM, Force for Hope, and PROEM Ministries were successful today.  A new organization was contacted today, Calvary Chapel. We have a meeting with them early in the morning on the 4th.  
  • Three medical NGO personnel were introduced to us today.  They have performed ops in similar landscapes as Aerial.  We have asked for them to augment our team.   
  • Intelligence gathering is still being conducted. Continuous social media outreach is underway, and procurement assessments of goods will continue to be underway. Baseline communications have been established, however, all comms have limitations and are spotty in certain areas of the routes.  Updated coordinates of possible evacuee locations onto Gaia Map and route information.  (Illustration below) 
  • Humanitarian NGOs are aiming to capitalize on local and national level expertise, capacities, and knowledge to promote a rapid and effective response tailored to the expressed needs of orphans and affected people.
  • Overall, the Supply convoy to LVIV, Ukraine was a success, checkpoints in Ukraine were swift, and some security were hospitable of US support.  
  • Funding Sources for this mission have been recognized, and aid relief is continually inbound.  Limits of finances for Op has not been designated at the time of this brief. 


Team Aerial will organize with NGO’s to identify safe travel routes to provide aid. Once the Team is established coordinated efforts to approach additional orphans will take place. The acquisition of another vehicle will be conducted, and efforts to find additional housing on both sides of the border will occur.    

Next Steps/Action Items

  • Coordinate with Aerial Volunteers for follow on mission
  • Assist with NGO’s and coordinate supply requests
  • Provide answers to any Information requests from partner organizations 
  • Finalize PPE list for transportees and coordinate delivery ASAP. 
  • Identify Medical facilities near the majority of orphan locations.   

Current Needs

  • Some supply items have been identified, but the list continues to grow. An internal Aerial list is being generated, so teams arriving will have all equipment needs met.    


 Areas of Interest for following op.  

Coordination efforts with Medical NGO group.

Assessing Church Capabilities for Housing Refugees. 

Weather next 24 hours


Seth Griffith

Director of Disaster Response

Aerial Recovery Group

Email: [email protected]


Jeremy Locke 

Chief Operating Officer

Aerial Recovery Group

Email: [email protected]





50% Complete

Two Step

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