Hurricane Season: Caring for Your Mental Health

Caring for your mental health after a hurricane is often an overlooked subject, but it’s critical to address as the effects are proven to be severe and long-lasting when not acknowledged. 10 years after Katrina, residents are interviewed there saying they still struggle with depression. (Source: Katrinas Emotional Legacy). 


Just as we have the opportunity to come back stronger and rebuild our homes and cities better than before, there is also an opportunity to strengthen our mental health better than prior to the crisis. In a disaster, we can respond in one of two ways. We can grow our own resilience by adapting and overcoming the pressure, or give into stress by feeling inadequate and focusing only on what we cannot control. 


After Hurricane Sandy, more than 20 percent of residents reported PTSD, 33 percent reported depression and 46 percent reported anxiety. After Hurricane Harvey, 800,000 people continued to suffer from anxiety and depression long...

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