Hurricane Season: Protecting Your Home

In our previous blog, Sheltering in Place, we covered how to prepare quickly to shelter in place during a hurricane. This article will give you five steps to take to prepare your home in advance to minimize damage


Step 1: Seal and Protect All Doors and Windows

Sealing and protecting all doors and windows is one of the most critical steps to take before a hurricane arrives. You will want to inspect each window and check for air leaks. One way to do this is by using a candle - check out more tips in this article, How to Seal Windows (DIY Network).  Also, be sure to close and lock all openings before boarding and reinforcing. This is a simple step but is often overlooked during last-minute preparations. To protect your windows, you can use plywood, hurricane film, high impact glass, or shutters. Check out how to do this yourself in this clip from ABC Action News ahead of 2017’s Hurricane Irma.

A simple and...

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Hurricane Season: Inventory and Insurance Preparation

Today is the best day to get your home hurricane ready and ensure you have all the insurance you need to keep your home safe. This article will provide you with the resources to ensure you get the best insurance policies to protect against hurricane damage.


Step 1: Find your current insurance policy. You should already have it copied and saved somewhere (either in the cloud or in your go-bag). 


Step 2: Review carefully what your current policy covers

Is it up to date? Is it set up properly - does it have any errors (the policy owner’s name, the address?) How much does it cost compared to policies in your area? You can compare your current policy’s cost to the average in your area by using tools like this one.  


Step 3: Check your state’s rules.

Every state is different, but most states will require that you have wind damage and flood insurance policies to be covered in the event of a hurricane. 



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Last-Minute Sheltering In Place For Hurricanes

Following 2020’s trend, this year’s hurricane season has already broken records as the “first year since storm record-keeping began in 1851 in which nine named tropical storms have formed before August and thirteen before September. That includes the four hurricanes that have formed so far this year.” (Source)

Given the activity of this season, there is no better time than NOW to get prepared. At Aerial Recovery Group, we know there is genuine peace in preparedness for any hazardous situation. Assembling your emergency bags and being armed with the knowledge for protecting your home are two steps that anyone can take to prepare for adverse conditions.

However, there is not always time to prepare in advance. In this blog, we’ll go over what to do if you have to prepare for last-minute sheltering in place.

Sheltering in Place: Essentials  

  1. Situate yourself in the most internal and covered portion of the home or building structure. Remember, in...
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